Descrição - Rock em BH:
👉 Sexta – 19/07
Sexta tem Indie Fest com as bandas Coverplay (Coldplay), Tropical Monkeys (Artic Monkeys), Killer Kings (The Killers & Kings of Leon) e The Midnite (The Strokes).
20h – Abertura da casa
21h – The Midnite (Strokes)
22h10 – Tropical Monkeys (Artic Monkeys)
23h20 – Coverplay (Coldplay)
00h30 -Killer Kings (The Killers & Kings of Leon)
⚡ ENTRADA GRATUITA até 21h (Depois R$12)
🔞 Censura 18 anos (Proibido a presença de menores)
Link das bandas: @coverplaybrasil @themidniteband @tropicalmonkeysbh @killerkingsbh
Contato / WhatsApp: 3192387499